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Thread: Starting Eve online

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Starting Eve online

    Hi, I am having problems running eve-online on my ubuntu laptop. The official linux cedega version does not start at all, it crashes after the splash screen. So I thought I'd try the windows version in wine.

    I get it up running, but when i get to the login screen, I cant scroll down the window that says: "Scroll down to continue."
    Without being able to scroll down, I can't login. Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Ubuntu Karmic Koala (testing)

    Re: Starting Eve online

    what version are you trying to run?
    Neo Tokyo Skies Prologue

    A prologue release of the MMORPG Neo Tokyo skies...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Ubuntu Karmic Koala (testing)

    Re: Starting Eve online

    also see

    and look through the bugs
    Neo Tokyo Skies Prologue

    A prologue release of the MMORPG Neo Tokyo skies...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Starting Eve online

    The version of Eve is 4.12, I think. 4.12.something.
    Version of wine is 0.9.59

    I did not find any useful help on the linked webpage.. :/

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Ubuntu Karmic Koala (testing)

    Re: Starting Eve online

    well, first of all, you can upgrade wine, it is a couple of versions out of date. In fact 1.0rc1 is now available.


    If it doesn't work you might want to start with a new ~/.wine directory.

    - run "wine winecfg" to setup/configure your wine install (mainly sound driver)
    - you can copy the Eve folder into ~/.wine/drive_c/ or install from scratch. (try without the cache folder first)
    - copy arial*.ttf to ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts/ (install ms corefonts package and then search for arial*.ttf on your disk)
    - install the d3d9x_35.dll by running the RedistD3DXOnly.exe in the bin dir

    If Eve crashes/hangs after the character selection you need to add "voiceenabled=0" to ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/profiles/username/Local Settings/Application Data/CCP/EVE/settings/prefs.ini. This is needed if you have a voice enabled account or try to test on Singularity when voice is enabled there.

    You can try disabling sound in either prefs.ini or via the sound driver in winecfg

    You should set OffscreenRenderingMode to fbo. Run "wine regedit" to edit the keys, which are listed on the wiki.

    Also disable shadows ingame.

    Try adding ' localhost' to your /etc/hosts if you get random crashes.

    Hi pilot,

    You may copy arial.ttf to /$HOME/.wine/drive_c/windows/Fonts

    The font can be downloaded from

    1) $ wine arial32.exe

    Thats all =)...

    Fly safe
    from that link may help
    Neo Tokyo Skies Prologue

    A prologue release of the MMORPG Neo Tokyo skies...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Starting Eve online

    what graphics card are you using?


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